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Study Circles


To build a better world requires an ever-growing pool of people capable of contributing to the accomplishment of the myriad tasks at hand.

In this connection, the concept of the “training institute” was introduced by the Universal House of Justice in the mid-1990s. Its purpose is to assist individuals to deepen their understanding of the Bahá’í teachings, and to gain the spiritual insights and practical skills they need to carry out the work of the community.

A study circle is a small group that meets at least once or twice a week for a few hours, usually in the home of one of its members, to study the course materials. Anyone aged fifteen or older, whether a Bahá’í or not, is welcome to take part. The group is brought together by a tutor associated with the training institute. Tutors do not hold any special status. They are simply those who are further along in their study of the materials. Everyone can potentially serve as a tutor on some occasions, while taking part as a member of a study circle on others. All those participating are seen as active agents of their own learning, and tutors strive to create an atmosphere that encourages individuals to assume ownership for the educational process in which they are engaged. A study circle should be a space that leads to the spiritual and moral empowerment of individuals.

In response to the materials they study and with support from their institutions, participants arise to carry out specific acts of service. Men and women, young and old alike, come to recognize that they have the power in their hands to re-create the world around them. As more and more people become committed to the vision of individual and collective transformation fostered by the institute courses, capacity is gradually built in the community to reflect a pattern of life that places at its heart service and worship.

  • Anyone over the age of 15 can participate
  • Phasellus id risus ac libero eleifend mattis
  • Study circles require a tutor to facilitate learning
  • Anyone can become a tutor of Ruhi
  • Learn to take spiritual concepts and turn them into action~


There’s so much diversity in Concord and the Baha’i Faith has always been about unity in diversity. That’s what’s so exciting for me personally.

Ariana Faustini
Baha'i Community Member

Offer prayer and affirmations with others

Baha’is believe that prayer is communion with God, and that it should be an act we do every day. Baha’i Devotions are for anyone who would like to come and share prayer and communion with God. Devotionals are open to anyone from any Faith or creed.

Sometimes, we find ourselves needing accompaniment and to share a good word.

If home visits sound like something you need, or want to offer please contact us. We’d love to connect.

Do you want to learn how to build a vibrant community? Or perhaps teach a children’s class?

All core activities are learned through the Ruhi Institute series of workbooks. This framework, developed in Columbia, is available for anyone from any Faith or creed to learn, practice, and adopt. Contact us today to join a study circle near you and start building a strong vibrant community of your own.

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