Home Portfolio Devotionals



Devotional meetings spring up naturally in a community where a conversation about the spiritual dimension of human existence is growing. In diverse settings, Bahá’ís and their friends and families unite with one another in prayer. There are no rituals; no one individual has any special role. Meetings consist largely of reading prayers and passages from the Bahá’í sacred texts in an informal yet respectful atmosphere. A spirit of communal worship is generated by these simple gatherings, and this spirit begins to permeate the community’s collective endeavours.

  • Anyone can start a devotional gathering
  • Come together to share prayers and sacred texts
  • There is no set way to hold a devotional
  • Invite your family, coworkers, neighbors, and friends
  • Do what makes sense for you and your community!


There’s so much diversity in Concord and the Baha’i Faith has always been about unity in diversity. That’s what’s so exciting for me personally.

Ariana Faustini
Baha'i Community Member

Offer prayer and affirmations with others

Baha’is believe that prayer is communion with God, and that it should be an act we do every day. Baha’i Devotions are for anyone who would like to come and share prayer and communion with God. Devotionals are open to anyone from any Faith or creed.

Sometimes, we find ourselves needing accompaniment and to share a good word.

If home visits sound like something you need, or want to offer please contact us. We’d love to connect.

Do you want to learn how to build a vibrant community? Or perhaps teach a children’s class?

All core activities are learned through the Ruhi Institute series of workbooks. This framework, developed in Columbia, is available for anyone from any Faith or creed to learn, practice, and adopt. Contact us today to join a study circle near you and start building a strong vibrant community of your own.

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To get the latest news and updates for events happening in the Concord Community sign up for email or text communications.

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